Monday, August 24, 2020
Resilience Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand free essay sample
Versatility is a word that couple of individuals know about and considerably less individuals have it as a character attribute. It intends to have the option to skip over from something rapidly. It tends to be created from a disastrous occasion that occurred in one’s life or even a progression of occasions that would separate a typical individual. Strength is an attribute controlled by these four individuals who have certainly experienced are as yet living through groundbreaking occasions. Those four individuals are Laura Hillenbrand, Louis Zamperini, Russell Phillips, and Fred Garrett. Laura Hillenbrand is turning into a world sensation in the wake of thinking of her top of the line book, Unbroken. Sure she may appear as though she is carrying on with the fantasy existence with a great many individuals getting her books each day, however what the vast majority don't think about her is that she experiences Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, an ailment that empties all vitality out of the body and leaves it feeling dormant and excessively drained. We will compose a custom paper test on Strength Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The illness saves her on bed rest for a significant number of her days yet she despite everything discovers time to compose smash hit books. She is versatile in that on the grounds that despite the fact that she is living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she doesn't let it prevent her from carrying on with her life and doing what she adores. She built up the illness while on an excursion with her sweetheart and different companions. They were driving along an interstate when a deer started to step into the street. The vehicle scarcely missed the deer by a couple of inches. Soon thereafter a meteor came streaking over the sky. She was the one in particular who saw it. She at that point turned out to be exceptionally sick. Her beau thought she had food contamination however he would later discover that she had created CFS, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Louis Zamperini is a World War Two veteran and the fundamental character of Laura Hillenbrand’s top rated novel, Unbroken. Louis was conceived on January 26, 1917. As a youngster, he was continually in a hurry and raising a ruckus. It didn't make a difference how often he was gotten, he generally returned to unleashing ruin in the city of Torrance, California, the town where he grew up. Thusly, he created flexibility. At the point when he was an adolescent, he ran track for his secondary school group. He at that point went to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany on the United States track group. While in Berlin, a gathering on restricting sprinters confined him during a meet and slice his legs all to pieces utilizing the pikes on the base of their spikes. He never let that stop him. He figured out how to bob directly back. At the point when he went into the U. S. Air Corps, a plane he was on called, The Green Hornet, collided with the center of the Pacific. He and two other men were the main survivors. It was forty-seven days before he saw land once more. That didn't break him either. He was caught as a captive in Japan where he was beaten, starved, and he contracted numerous ailments. He got through and came back to his typical state upon appearance back on United States soil. Russell Phillips was a pilot for team number eight in the nine-group 372nd bomb unit of the 307th bomb gathering, seventh Air Force. He flew the plane that conveyed Louis Zamperini. Phillips was conceived in Greencastle, Indiana, in 1916. At the point when he was a kid, he was a great deal like Louis. He hushed up outwardly however inside he had a wild streak. At the point when he was in ROTC, his skipper considered him the lousiest-looking fighter. He never let that get him down. He end up being a fine aviator. He flew his aviators to through extremely risky bombings and all endure however one. He endure the slamming of The Green Hornet alongside two others. He at that point endure forty-seven days in a pontoon coasting through the Pacific with Louis and a man named Mac. Like Louis, Phillips endure the captive camps and took the entirety of the beatings. He would not be broken by the Japanese. He excessively bobbed again from the injury. An old buddy of both Louis and Russell was selected as a pilot for the United States Air Force. He was an amputee with just a single leg. He lost it upon his appearance in a Japanese POW camp. He harmed it and it before long turned out to be seriously contaminated. Along these lines, a Japanese specialist cut away his leg off at the knee. He had the option to show strength however and recuperated rather rapidly. He additionally was a strong overcomer of the captive camps. Presently these individuals are versatile somehow. Some were told they could never make it. Another is battling an infection. One has a physical handicap. Others were pummeled farther than any person ought to be. After all that they have experienced, toward the day's end, they stay whole. Strength Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand free article test Strength is a word that couple of individuals know about and significantly less individuals have it as a character quality. It intends to have the option to skip once more from something rapidly. It very well may be created from a deplorable occasion that occurred in one’s life or even a progression of occasions that would separate an ordinary individual. Flexibility is a characteristic controlled by these four individuals who have certainly experienced are as yet living through groundbreaking occasions. Those four individuals are Laura Hillenbrand, Louis Zamperini, Russell Phillips, and Fred Garrett. Laura Hillenbrand is turning into a world sensation subsequent to keeping in touch with her top of the line book, Unbroken. Sure she may appear as though she is carrying on with the fantasy existence with a large number of individuals getting her books each day, yet what the vast majority don't think about her is that she experiences Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a malady that empties all vitality out of the body and leaves it feeling inert and excessively drained. We will compose a custom article test on Versatility Essay for Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The illness saves her on bed rest for a significant number of her days yet she despite everything discovers time to compose top rated books. She is flexible in that in light of the fact that despite the fact that she is living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she doesn't let it prevent her from carrying on with her life and doing what she adores. She built up the sickness while on an excursion with her beau and different companions. They were driving along a thruway when a deer started to step into the street. The vehicle scarcely missed the deer by a couple of inches. Soon thereafter a meteor came streaking over the sky. She was the one in particular who saw it. She at that point turned out to be exceptionally queasy. Her sweetheart idea she had food contamination however he would later discover that she had created CFS, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Louis Zamperini is a World War Two veteran and the fundamental character of Laura Hillenbrand’s top rated novel, Unbroken. Louis was conceived on January 26, 1917. As a kid, he was continually in a hurry and raising a ruckus. It didn't make a difference how often he was gotten, he generally returned to unleashing destruction in the city of Torrance, California, the town where he grew up. Thusly, he created strength. At the point when he was a young person, he ran track for his secondary school group. He at that point went to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany on the United States track group. While in Berlin, a gathering on contradicting sprinters enclosed him during a meet and slice his legs all to pieces utilizing the pikes on the base of their spikes. He never let that stop him. He figured out how to bob directly back. At the point when he went into the U. S. Air Corps, a plane he was on called, The Green Hornet, collided with the center of the Pacific. He and two other men were the main survivors. It was forty-seven days before he saw land once more. That didn't break him either. He was caught as a POW in Japan where he was beaten, starved, and he contracted numerous infections. He got through and came back to his ordinary state upon appearance back on United States soil. Russell Phillips was a pilot for team number eight in the nine-group 372nd bomb unit of the 307th bomb gathering, seventh Air Force. He flew the plane that conveyed Louis Zamperini. Phillips was conceived in Greencastle, Indiana, in 1916. At the point when he was a kid, he was a ton like Louis. He hushed up outwardly however inside he had a wild streak. At the point when he was in ROTC, his chief considered him the lousiest-looking trooper. He never let that get him down. He end up being a fine aviator. He flew his aviators to through perilous bombings and all endure however one. He endure the smashing of The Green Hornet alongside two others. He at that point endure forty-seven days in a pontoon skimming through the Pacific with Louis and a man named Mac. Like Louis, Phillips endure the captive camps and took the entirety of the beatings. He would not be broken by the Japanese. He excessively bobbed once again from the injury. An old buddy of both Louis and Russell was enlisted as an aviator for the United States Air Force. He was an amputee with just a single leg. He lost it upon his appearance in a Japanese wartime captive camp. He harmed it and it before long turned out to be seriously contaminated. Along these lines, a Japanese specialist cut off his leg off at the knee. He had the option to show versatility however and recouped rather rapidly. He likewise was a strong overcomer of the wartime captive camps. Presently these individuals are versatile somehow. Some were told they could never make it. Another is battling a sickness. One has a physical incapacity. Others were thrashed farther than any person ought to be. After all that they have experienced, toward the day's end, they stay solid.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Motivation theories used to explain turnover intention
Inspiration speculations used to clarify turnover goal This section talked about the utilized of inspiration hypothesis to clarify the turnover expectation or conduct among the examiners in Sabah. Moreover, turnover goal the needy variable, work fulfillment and hierarchical responsibility the free factors are being characterized and conceptualized in accordance with this examination. The important writing or past research done on this territory of study is additionally being investigated. In conclusion, the discoveries on the connections between the factors are being talked about. 2.1 Theory 2.1.1 Theory of Reasoned Action Turnover process models draw intensely from sound dynamic models, for example, Fishbein and Ajzens (1980) hypothesis of contemplated activity, which focuses on the significance of conduct aims in foreseeing and getting turnover. In any case, there is inquire about on the way on which perspectives and aims get converted into conduct that can advise turnover hypothesis and research. Models remember explore for impression of conduct control, conduct consistency, and the job of passionate excitement. With the end goal of this examination, Perceived Behavioral Control is used㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦Ã£ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦. Perceived Behavioral Control Numerous noticeable models of the turnover procedure certainly or unequivocally use components of Fishbein and Ajzens (1980) Theory of Reasoned Action. This hypothesis and its development into the Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1991) propose that expectations to play out a conduct are the more quick forerunners to real conduct. Goals are a component of perspectives toward playing out the conduct, which are thusly an element of convictions concerning the outcomes and attractive quality of such results of playing out the conduct, and emotional standards concerning the conduct, which are an element of convictions concerning what significant referents consider the conduct and ones inspiration to follow those referents. A decent arrangement of experimental research has upheld this model, particularly the basic job of expectations (Kim and Hunter, 1998). People that having the conduct aim a bit much execute the expectation in actuality, which present the significance of the job of social control. Ajzen (1991) characterized control convictions as the nearness or nonattendance of elements that may encourage or obstruct the presentation of a conduct. Seen conduct control is a people impression of their capacity to play out a conduct dependent on control convictions. Social control is relied upon to fortify conduct aims through expanded steadiness and thought of potential snags (Hom and Griffeth, 1995). Indeed, Ajzen (1991) contends that conduct is a component of perfect aims and impression of social control. Seen conduct control should direct the impact of aims on social control is certain. Along these lines, in a turnover setting, turnover goals may possibly prompt turnover when people see that they have command over the choice to stop. There are various reasons that people may see less authority over this choice. Family or budgetary limitations could confine portability. After some time, people become progressively put resources into an association, making it increasingly hard to leave (Becker, 1960). View of the accessibility and nature of choices may influence apparent control. There is some proof impression of choices communicate with work fulfillment in prompting withdrawal (Jacofsky et al, 1986). Steel et al as of late proposed that obstructions to versatility are basic parts of work advertise discernments. Be that as it may, turnover inquires about don't normally straightforwardly quantify apparent conduct command over turnover choices and have not surveyed control as a potential mediator of the connection between turnover aims and turnover. Conduct control shou ld direct the aims turnover relationship with the end goal that the relationship is more grounded when control is higher, and more fragile when control is most reduced. 2.1.2 Role Theory With the end goal of study, job hypothesis is utilized to clarify the job pressure experienced by the evaluators. Job hypothesis accept that people lives are spent showcasing a combination of jobs both inside and outside the authoritative setting (Fisher, 2001). As refered to by Fisher (2001), Katz and Kahn clarified that every one of these jobs is thought to be more a component of social setting instead of the people own character attributes. Accordingly, Fisher (2001) proposed that each position inside an association can be thought of as a particular job into which an individual is mingled. Under the job scene model, the procedure of socialization happens when a job senders legitimately or by implication conveying to the job occupant (central individual) their desires for the officeholders obligations. Job uncertainty exits when objectives of ones employment or techniques for performing it are muddled (Johns et al, 2007). Researchers Johns et al (2007) further clarified that there are three components that can prompt uncertainty, which are (1) the authoritative variables, for instance the center administration may neglect to give the comprehensive view as they are not in the upper administration level; (2) the job sender, for instance job senders have hazy desires for a central individual, or the message isn't adequately convey between a job sender and a central individual; (3) the central individual, as another staff need time to completely process the work desire imparted to him. Then again, job strife happens when consistence with one sent job would consistence with another troublesome (Cited by Fisher (2001) from Kahn et al, 1964). Kahn et al (1964) distinguish five significant kinds of job struggle as underneath:- 1) Intra-sender strife clashing solutions/banishments from a similar sender 2) Inter-sender strife clashing solutions/banishments from various sender 3) Inter-job strife struggle between jobs in circumstances where an individual holds more than one job 4) Person-job struggle where a people job necessities are contradictory with hus/her own convictions, qualities and standards 5) Role-over-burden sensible desires may have been gotten from job senders, yet he/she might not have sufficient opportunity to address them all (Refered to from Fisher (2001) audit on Kahn et al (1964) explore work) Researchers Van Sell at al (1981), Jackson and Schuler (1985) saw that both job equivocalness and job struggle are connected to negative results, for example, lower work fulfillment, increment on saw work pressure, lower work execution and more prominent turnover goal. 2.2 Conceptualization of Dependent Variable Turnover alludes to acquiescence from an association (Lee and Liu, 2006; Johns et al, 2007). Turnover can be named inside and outer, deliberate or automatic (Wiley, 1993). By inside turnover, it implies that a representative is moved to another division inside a similar organization or gathering of organizations. Then again, outside turnover alludes to the acquiescence of a worker for all time and from this time forward speaks to the cost outpouring to an association. Wiley (1993) further clarified that automatic turnover happens when a worker is fired for just caused, for instance: affliction, demise, retirement because of mature age; and willful turnover is a circumstance whereby the representative join another association on his/her understanding, or take part in the intentional partition plot. Worker is the human capital of an association (Quote). Representatives have become the significant unmistakable resource in an association in this new k-information world, particularly inside the administration business. Effective and set up organizations, for example, Virgin Airline and Honda have put significant sum on their representatives in term of preparing and advancement cost, intending to shape their workers to keep up the serious edge. From this time forward, a worker takeoff is viewed as a bad dream to an association particularly with the profoundly gifted representatives, for example, the IT authority and review supervisors. Not just the association can't recoup the preparation cost (Quote), they additionally lose their upper hand when the profoundly experienced and gifted workers join another contender firm. High turnover additionally experienced in the incompetent position, for example, in the assembling plant and inn line because of the low trade cost for untalented wo rkers. The simplicity of swapping representatives for the lower rank staff no uncertainty won't cause generous misfortune to an association, however will influence the administration or item quality as the new representatives are new to the associations culture and work systems. Because of the essentialness of these costs, representatives turnover has been broadly concentrated since the 1900s with the different distributions of subjective and quantitative scientists of surpassing 1500 (Munchinsy and Morrow, 1980). Given the noteworthiness of the examination, the determinants of turnover goal is generally concentrated in different enterprises, for example, the hotelier (Atang, 2010), producing (Udo et al, 1007), instructors (Currivan, 2000) data framework (IT) (Rahman, 2008; Muliawan et al, 2009) and among open bookkeepers or inspectors (Lander et al, 1993; Perryer et al, 2010; Reed et al, 1994; Viator, 2001; Law, 2005; Lui et al, 2001; Hsieh et al, 2009; Hasin and Omar, 2007). The purposes behind intentional turnover are various and the rundown of determinants is as yet growing. The most widely recognized reasons given by leavers are because of employment disappointment, lacking of vocation development openings, poor connection among chief and subordinate, to give some examples. Khatri et al (2001) concentrated high turnover in Asian nations with test size of 422 taken from food and refreshment industry, transportation and marine industry and retailing indust
Friday, July 17, 2020
How to Handle a Stress-Related Psychosomatic Illness
How to Handle a Stress-Related Psychosomatic Illness Stress Management Effects on Health Print How to Handle a Stress-Related Psychosomatic Illness By Elizabeth Scott, MS twitter Elizabeth Scott, MS, is a wellness coach specializing in stress management and quality of life, and the author of 8 Keys to Stress Management. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Scott, MS Updated on July 12, 2019 How Stress Impacts Your Health Overview Signs of Burnout Stress and Weight Gain Benefits of Exercise Stress Reduction Tips Self-Care Practices Mindful Living Jamie Grill / Getty Images Stress-related illness is very common, as is the misconception that physical symptoms that occur due to stress are not serious, or not real problems. Psychosomatic illness originates from emotional stress or damaging thought patterns but has physical symptoms that are real and can harm you as much as symptoms that originate from other means. In fact, its been estimated that over 90 percent of doctor visits are due to health problems influenced at least in part by stress, so psychosomatic illness is more common than people realize. Medically Unexplained Symptoms Due to Stress When you are under stress, you may experience physical symptoms. These can include aches, pains, muscle spasms, and headaches, possibly from unconsciously tensing your muscles for extended periods. Your nervous system is on edge from the fight-or-flight adrenaline and cortisol responses to stress. This affects your blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, and glucose levels. You can have stomach and bowel symptoms. These symptoms can lead you to see a doctor, who then may rule out any disease process that might be causing them. Without a diagnosis, you may only get treatment aimed at relieving the symptoms, or no treatment at all. You may continue to have the symptoms or only partial relief from them. Coping What can you do when psychosomatic illness and medically unexplained symptoms continue? A few reviews have looked at what nonpharmacological solutions might be effective. Should you get psychological therapy? A review of studies found that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) had a moderate effect on symptoms that was superior to control groups that either received treatment as usual or enhanced usual care, or remained on a waiting list. But the studies had several weaknesses, including publication bias. A previous review of a variety of psychological therapies also found that CBT was the most studied and had enough evidence to draw a conclusion that it may result in a small reduction in symptom severity compared to standard care or the waiting list. However, taking the step of seeing a psychologist is a big one for many people, let alone the cost of therapy. Self-help appears to be effective for reducing medically unexplained symptoms and improving quality of life. A review of studies found that self-help lowered symptom severity and seemed to maintain that effect on follow-up compared with usual care or being on a waiting list. These studies also were weak for methodology. Relieving Stress for Health Do you have a problem with stress and your health? You can experience major and minor illnesses due to increased stress, thanks in part to the effects of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. Even your risk of the common cold is increased.? To stay healthy, learn to deal with stress well and eliminate excessive stress from your life. You need to create a healthy lifestyle that includes less stress and more well-being. Learn what stress relievers work best for you. There are dozens of stress-relieving tactics available.Create a stress management game plan to examine and change the stress in your life.Choose and maintain healthy habits with a five-step plan.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
U.s. Slavery Reparations - 972 Words
Should African Americans Receive Reparations? Racism and hate have played a major role in United States history. These words have been the fuel behind slavery, inhuman treatment, and genocides. The Kosovo, Native Americans, Japanese, and African Americans are some of the prominent races that have been affected by racism and hate. The U.S. have given reparations to the victims of Kosovo, Native American, and Japanese, but no reparation have been given to African Americans. For five hundred years, the U.S. forced African Americans into slavery. As an African American woman in 2013, the question â€Å" What ever happen to reparations for African Americans?†lingers in my mind. Don’t we deserve reparation just as the Native†¦show more content†¦General William Tecumseh Sherman issued a field order giving freed slaves 40 acres (â€Å"When did Slavery Really†). He later added the loan of army mules (â€Å" When did Slavery Really†). Congress never approved the plan, so it died. But the atrocities of the 20th century gave the idea of reparations new force. Germany has paid billions to Israel and individual concentration camp survivors and their families -- the most recent payments strongly encouraged The U.S. preaches fairness and equality. But how as an African American woman can I believe this. When the U.S. is responsible for decades of slavery and discrimination on African Americans. With that still no reparations have been paid. But the Japanese get reparations after just four year of discrimination and mistreatment. African Americans deserver reparation just as the Japanese deserved it, may even more. I say this because slavery lasted for generations and after slavery came discrimination. Also today the discrimination still takes place in some areas of the U.S. Slavery was the begin of oppression for African Americans, which today we are still try to get from under. Work Cited Chrisman, Robert. Ten reason: A Response to David Horowitz. University of Massachusetts. The Black Scholar, April 2, 2001. Web. 19 April. 2013. Craemer, Thomas. Framing Reparations. Policy Studies Journal 37.2 (2009): 275-298. Academic SearchShow MoreRelatedReparations For Slavery : Slavery1218 Words  | 5 Pages Reparations for Slavery? Harriet Tubman once said, â€Å"Now I ve been free, I know what a dreadful condition slavery is. I have seen hundreds of escaped slaves, but I never saw one who was willing to go back and be a slave.†What is a reparation? A reparation is the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. The biggest question of time is should African Americans receive payments for slavery? Many people would say yes withRead MoreThe Reparations to the Descendents of African American Slaves in the United States788 Words  | 4 PagesThe Reparations to the Descendents of African American Slaves in the United States If the United States government were to support the reparations to the descendents of African American slaves it would be an admitting of their responsibility. This is an issue that the United States government does not want to bring back to the forefront. To them, slavery is an occurrence in history such as the Vietnam War, which is not easy to tell about without editing. What is done is done, and bringing up possibilitiesRead MoreThe Slavery Of African Americans1207 Words  | 5 PagesThere is no denying that the period of time where slavery was legal in America was a dark time that all wish was expunged from the nation’s history. Ever since the end of WWII came around and Japanese and victims of the Holocaust started to receive reparations for the ordeals then endeavored. This launched a proposal that the descendants of the enslaved people in the United States would be given some type of compensation. The form of compensation varies from individual monetary payments to l and-basedRead MoreThe United States Should Pay For Reparations Essay1345 Words  | 6 Pagesshould be paid for the reparations of their hardships. This had been a commonly topic for years with two sides to the story. Many agree with the idea that the United States should pay for reparations because Africans were promised goods for their hard work. And on the other hand, many believe that the United States shouldn’t pay for reparation because slavery ended years ago and it is unfair to take money from American taxpayers where many came to the United States after slavery ended. 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In order to reinforce that racism is unacceptable and intolerable, the U.S. government should provide reparations for the descendants of African slaves such as and not limited to, free post-secondary educationRead MorePros On Slavery Reparations And The Civil War765 Words  | 4 PagesBrittney King Jefferson Fortner HUM-115 1 February 2016 Pros on Slavery Reparations Are we as the ancestors of slavery entitled to reparation from the businesses that promoted slave trade and or the government? The debates of slavery reparations has been a long drawn out tradition about what should happen but, in the eyes of the ancestors of African Americans they believe they are entitled reparations. I think as for slavery reparations the ancestors of African Americans deserve an apology for theRead MoreSlavery And Segregation Of African Americans969 Words  | 4 PagesThis Article, released on July 22, 2009, was in regards to an apology made by the U.S. Senate on June 18, 2009 for the slavery and segregation of blacks prior, during and after the Civil War. According to the response of members representing Project 21, a public relations network for African Americans, this apology will be used as a defensive tactic towards acquiring reparations for the suffering of their ancestors. Members of the black leadership network are quoted as saying, â€Å"The apology will doRead MoreSlavery Reparations Essay1591 Words  | 7 PagesNobody questions the fact that slavery has been the cause of pain for many people and families. What is in question is how to mend this pain. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Personal Narrative A Penny s Promise - 1402 Words
A Penny’s Promise See a penny pick it up and all day you’ll have good luck! That was and still is a mantra of hope for many, including myself. It is one taught to children in schools across America as a way to encourage positive saving habits. On a bad day, if I find a penny my mood changes and my spirit lightens. My relationship with pennies heightened as I began middle school and realized the true value of this tiny coin. Day after day, I found pennies under couches and behind doors. I collected them for almost a year until I had saved enough for a pair of sunglasses. Little did I know that by spending so many pennies, I was boosting the market value of a circulated coin. Now, knowing that people think the penny is useless worries me,†¦show more content†¦The majority of funding that large charities receive are that a of a few cents, otherwise known as microdonations (Pennies for Patients). When dealing with a small amount of currency, foundations like these can reach out to all people, including the ones harder to reach, like elementary schoolers. The simple act of giving pennies from a piggy bank can help teach children the fundamental notion of charity and show them how to make a positive change in the world. This gives the penny a very important connection to the heartstrings of the American public and a way to advance the good in our society. Try to imagine the past week of your life. Now try to count how many times you saw, used, or referenced a penny. The number is vast and unknown as pennies are a small part in our everyday lives. Their main use is in economics, like when we are in check out lanes or counting up our saving from a piggy bank. Pennies have found their way into our social lives as well through modern day legends, wives tales, and party games. The inclusion of pennies into our lives isn’t a new fad. 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To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreTechnical Interview Guide22795 Words  | 92 Pagesfrom contention by failing to answer a technical question. However, you can definitely hurt your chances by answering a fit or behavioral question in an Page 3 undesirable manner. Most of the time truly connecting with your interviewer on a personal level and showing you have the drive, passion and ability to learn in this crazy business can outweigh a misstep on a technical question (just don t stumble too much!) 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Summary of Shooting an Elephant Free Essays
Narration: â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†To narrate is to describe an experience or a story that is linked in time. An effective narration â€Å"usually relates a sequence of events that led to new knowledge or had a notable outcome†(Aaron 60). George Orwell uses narration in â€Å"Shooting an Elephant†to support his thesis that imperialism is an immoral relationship of power because it compels the oppressor to act immorally to keep up appearances that he is right, just like his experience of shooting an elephant. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Shooting an Elephant or any similar topic only for you Order Now Orwell was called to the market after a working elephant escaped his handler and killed a man. (Rule#2)By the time he arrived the scene, the elephant was calm and has wandered into an open area away from the market. Orwell did not want to kill the elephant because it was calm and caused no threat. (Rule#1)He had never intended to hurt the elephant, but with everyone watching, he felt as if he could not let them down. Orwell states, â€Å"They [the crowd] did not like me, but with the magical rifle in my hands I was momentarily worth watching†(86). Therefore, he pulled the trigger and killed the elephant. He was regarded as a wise ruler, but on the other hand, he knew that he was wrong in what he did. As a result, he finds himself doing whatever he must do, which in this case is to kill the elephant, to â€Å"avoid looking a fool†(89). (Rule#4)Orwell symbolizes himself as the British imperialists, who were the ruling authority in Burma, and the Burmese people as the elephant. Shooting the elephant is a symbolic of the English government’s relationship with the Burmese people. By narrating the experience of killing an elephant, George Orwell presents a good model of narration. His narration brings out a notable outcome, which is his thesis that imperialist have to control their indentured servant by showing their power. Work Cited Aaron, Jane E. , ed. 40 Model Essays. New York: Bedford/ St. Matins, 2005. Orwell, George. â€Å"Shooting an Elephant. †40 Model Essays. Ed. Jane E. Aaron. New York: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2005. 82-89. How to cite Summary of Shooting an Elephant, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Spanish Verb Book Essay Example For Students
Spanish Verb Book Essay Present TenseThe following section will be the present you are implying that the action is occurring at the present time. For example: Joseph reads the book. The reads in the sentence shows that Joseph is in the process of reading the book. Regular AR Infinitives acabar (de) to come afteracompaar to accompanyadmirar to admireayudar to helpbailar to dancebajar to go downbrillar to shinebuscar to look forcaminar to walkcantar to singcenar to have supperchupar to suckcocinar to cookcolabarar to collaboratecoleccionar to collectcomenzar to startcomprar to buyconservar to conservecontestar to answerdar to givedejar to leavedescansar to restdibujar to drawdoblar to turnensear to teachentrar to enterescuchar to listenesquiar to skiestudiar to studyevitar to avoidexplicar to explainfascinar to fascinateformar to farmganar to wingustar to likehablar to speakinteresar to interestlavar to washlimpiar to cleanllegar to arrivellevar to takemirar to look atneccisitar to needobservar to observeolividar to forgetpagar to pay forparticipar to participatepasar to spend timepatinar to skatepesear to wishpracticar to practicepreguntar to askpreparar to prepareprestar to lendprogramar to programquedar to be locatedregresar to spend moneyren unciar to renouncerespetar to respectsacar to take outtomar to taketrabajar to workviajar to travelvisitar to visitCanta muy bien. She sings very well. We will write a custom essay on Spanish Verb Book specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Hablo espaol, I speak Spansh. Poder ayundo tu? Can I help you?Te viajar? Do you travel?viajar to travel cantar to sing ayudar to help hablar to speakviajo viajamos canto cantamos ayudo ayudamos hablo hablamosviajas cantas ayudas hablas viaja viajan canta cantan ayuda ayudan habla habla hablanRegular ARs are the most common of all verbs, to use them, remove the ar ending and insert the appropriate ending on the chart: o for i ___, as for you ___, a for he/she ___, amos for we ___, an for they ___. You can also use the following chart for the respective endings. Singlar Pluralo amos 1st Personas 2nd Persona an 3rd PersonIrregular ARs dar to giveestar to beDa el perro Mike. He gives the dog to Mike. Yo quiero a estar un abogado. I want to be a lawyer o for singularElla est mi amiga. She is my friend. Yo doy t este carro. I give you this car. estar to be dar to giveestoy estamos doy damosestas das esta estan da danIrregular ARs truly have no rule, to use them you must learn the specific way each is conjugated. See the conjugations above. AR Stem-Changers (e ie)cerrar to closeempezar to beginnevar to showpensar to think (about)recomendar to reccomendPieso el dinero. I am thinking about the money. Cierra el libro. He closes the book. Ellos empiezan a leer. They begin to read. Yo recomiendo el pollo. I recommend the chicken. pensar to think cerrar to close nevar to show empezar to beginpieso pensamos cierro cerramos nievo nevamos empiezo empezamospiesas cierras nievas empiezas piesa piensan cierra cierran nieva nievan empieza empiezanThe AR stem-changers (e ie) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last e in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the ar ending) to an ie, then you remove the ar ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the e to an ie, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(e ie) o (e e) amos 1st Person(e ie) as 2nd Person(e ie) a (e ie) an 3rd PersonAR Stem-Changers (o ue)almorzar to have lunchcostar to costencontrar to findrecordar to remembervolar to showjugar* to play* jugar is a unique verb, it is treated as the o ue verbs are, but with a u ue. Muestras mi tu trabajar. Show me your work. Cuesta muchos dinero. It costs much money. Juego el partido. I play the game. Encuentran un amigo. They find a friend. mostrar to show costar to cost volar to show jugar* to playmuestro mostramos cuesto costamos vuelo volamos juego jugamosmuestras cuestas vuelas juegas muestra muestran cuesta cuestan vuela vuelan juega jueganThe AR stem-changers (o ue) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last o in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the ar ending) to an ue, then you remove the ar ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the o to a ue, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(o ue) o (o o) amos 1st Person(o ue) as 2nd Person(o ue) a (o ue) an 3rd PersonReflexive ARsacercarse to approachacostarse to go to bedafeitarse to shavecallarse to be quietcepillarse to brushdarse cuenta to realizedarse la mano to shake handsdedicarse to devote oneself todesayunarse to eat breakfastdespertarse to wake upencargarse to take chargelastimarse to hurt oneselflavarse to wash oneselflevantarse to get upllamarse to be namedmaquillarse to put on makeuppienarse to combpreparse to prepare oneselfquedarse to stayquejarse to complainrefrescarse to cool offsentarse to to sit downservirse to prepare for oneselfYo me lavo las manos. I wash my handsYo me cepillarse los dientas. I brush my teeth. Ellas se miran. They look at each other. Yo me lavo. I wash myself. lavarse to wash (oneself) prepararse to prepare (oneself)me lavo nos lavamos me preparo nos preparamoste lavas te preparas se lava se lavan se prepara se preparamoslevantarse to get up afeitarse to shaveme levanto nos levantamos me afeito nos afeitamoste levantas te afeitas se levanta se levantan se afeita se afeitanReflexive verbs reflect the action of the subject back to the subject. For example a person brushes his hair, or a person shaves himself. These reflexive verbs are conjugated the same way as their non-reflexive counterparts except that to show that the action reflects you must place me, te, se, nos, or se depending upon who is the action is being done to. Reflexive verbs can also be used to express an action in which two or more people do the action to each other, for example, Ellas se miran, or they look at each other. Regular ER Infinitivesaprender to learnbeber to drinkcomer to eatcomprender to understandcorrer to runcreer to thinkdeber to have toleer to readprom eter to promiseresponder to answervender to sellcomer to eat vender to sellcomo momemos vendo vendemoscomes vendes come comen vende vendenleer to read aprender to learnleo lemos aprendo aprendemoslees aprendes Me gusta nadar. I like to swim. El lee. He is reading. Yo debo ir. I have to go. Janet corre. Janet runs. Regular ERs are very common verbs, to use them, remove the er ending and insert the appropriate ending on the chart: o for i ___, es for you ___, e for he/she ___, emos for we ___, en for they ___. You can also use the following chart for the respective endings. Singlar Pluralo emos 1st Persones 2nd Persone en 3rd PersonIrregular ERs (oddballs)ser to betener to haveSoy inteligente. I am Intelligent. Tu eres estupido. You are stupid. Yo tengo un libro. I have a book. Ellos tienen dinero. They have some money. ser to be tener to havesoy somos tengo tenemoseres tienes es son tiene tienenIrregular ERs (oddballs) really have no pattern at all, each one is different. And each one you must learn on your own. Irregular ERs (First Person)conocer to knowdesaparecer to disappearhacer to do, makeparecer to seemponer to put, place, setsaber to knowtraer to bringver to seeYo conozco esa. I know that. Pones la mesa. Set the table. Lo veo. I see it. Nosotros traemos dinero. We bring money. conocer to know hacer to do, makeconozco conocemos hago hacemosconoces haces conoce conocen hace hacenponer to put, place, set saber to knowpongo ponemos s sabemospones sabes pone ponen sabe sabentraer to bring ver to seetraigo traemos veo vemostraes ves trae traen ve venIrregular ERs (First Person) follow the same rule regular ers except that the first person singular is changed. You must find the way that each is changed. ER Stem Changers (e ie)perder to loseentender to understandquerer to wantencender to turn on, light updefender to defendYo pierdo mi cabeza. I am losing my head. El pierde el partido. He is losing the game. Entiendo el mathematico. I understand the math. El entiende la palabra. He understands the word. perder to lose entender to understandpierdo perdemos entiendo entendemospierdes entiendes pierde pierden entiende entiendenquerer to want encender to turn on, light upquiero queremos enciendo encendemosquieres enciendes quiere quieren enciende enciendenThe ER stem-changers (e ie) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last e in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the er ending) to an ie, then you remove the er ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the e to an ie, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(e ie) o (e e) emos 1st Person(e ie) es 2nd Person(e ie) e (e ie) en 3rd PersonER Stem changers (o ue)poder to be ablevolver to returnmover to movemorder to biteYo puedo cantar muy bien. I can sing very well. Ella vuelve aqui. She is returning here. No mueves. Your not moving. Los lobos muerden. The wolves bite. poder to be able volver to returnpuedo podemos vuelvo volvemospuedes vuelves puede pueden vuelve vuelvenmover to move morder to bitemuevo movemos muerdo mordemosmueves muerdes mueve mueven muerde muerdenThe ER stem-changers (o ue) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last o in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the er ending) to an ue, then you remove the er ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the o to a ue, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(o ue) o (o o) amos 1st Person(o ue) as 2nd Person(o ue) a (o ue) an 3rd PersonReflexive ERshacerse to becomeponerse to put onromperse to breaktorcerse to twistMe rompo la pierna. I am breaking my leg. El se haces un doctor. He is becoming a doctor. .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a , .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .postImageUrl , .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a , .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:hover , .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:visited , .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:active { border:0!important; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:active , .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9976fb0233f70b917273a5831b959f9a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Internal Control Weaknesses At Enron Accounting EssayYo me pongo un calcetin. I am putting on a sock. Ella se torce el tobillo. She twists her ankle. romperse to break hacerse to become me rompo nos rompemos me hago nos hacemoste rompes te haces se rompe se rompen se hace hacenponerse to put on torcerse to twistme pongo nos ponemos me torco nos torcemoste pones te torces se pone se ponen se torce se torcenReflexive verbs reflect the action of the subject back to the subject. For example a person brushes his hair, or a person shaves himself. These reflexive verbs are conjugated the same way as their non-reflexive counterparts except that to show that the action reflects you must place me, te, se, nos, or se depending upon who is the action is being done to. Reflexive verbs can also be used to express an action in which two or more people do the action to each other, for example, Ellas se miran, or they look at each other. Regular IRsabrir to openasistir to attenddecidir to decidedecidir to decideescribir to writeexigir to demandexistir to existrecibir to recievevivir to liveYo escribo. I am writing it. Lo abres. He opens it. Ella escribe. She is writing. El abre el libro. He opens the book. recibir to receive escribir to writerecibo recibimos escribo escribimosrecibes escribes recibe reciben escribe escribendecidir to decide abrir to opendecido decidimos abro abrimosdecides abres decide deciden abre abrenRegular IRs are somewhat common verbs, to use them, remove the ir ending and insert the appropriate ending on the chart: o for i ___, es for you ___, e for he/she ___, imos for we ___, en for they ___. You can also use the following chart for the respective endings. Singlar Pluralo emos 1st Persones 2nd Persone en 3rd PersonIrregular IRs (Oddballs)decir to say, tellir to goor to hearvenir to comeYo digo t. I am telling you. Lo oyes. He hears it. Yo vengo. I am coming. Vamos. We are going. decir to say, tell ir to godigo decimos voy vamosdices vas dice dicen va vanor to hear venir to comeoigo omos vengo venimesoyes vienes oye oyen viene vienenIrregular IRs (oddballs) really have no pattern at all, each one is different. And each one you must learn on your own. Irregular IRs (First Person)conducir to drivesalir to gotraducir to translateYo conduzco un carro. I am driving a carEl conduce el autobus. He is driving the bus. Yo salgo. I am going out. Nosotros salimos. We are going out. conducir to drive salir to go out traducir to translateconduzco conducimos salgo salimos traduzco traducimosconduces sales traduces conduce conducen sale salen traduce traducenIrregular IRs (First Person) follow the same rule regular irs except that the first person singular is changed. You must find the way that each is changed. Singular Plural(none) imos 1st Persones 2nd Persone en 3rd PersonIR Stem Changers (e ie)preferir to prefersentir to be sorrymentir to lieT mientes. You are lyingPrefiero esa. I prefer that. Lo siento. I am sorry. T sientes? Are you sorry?preferir to prefer sentir to be sorryprefiero preferimos siento sentimosprefieres sientes prefiere prefieren siente sientenmentir to liemiento mentimosmientes miente mientenThe IR stem-changers (e ie) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last e in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the ir ending) to an ie, then you remove the ir ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the e to an ie, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(e ie) o (e e) imos 1st Person(e ie) es 2nd Person(e ie) e (e ie) en 3rd PersonIR Stem Changers (e i)pedir to orderrepetir to repeatservir to servePide arroz con pollo. He orders chicken with rice. Ellos sirven la comida. They are serving the food. Repites la pregunta, por favor. Repeat the question please. Sirves nosotros? Are you serving us?pedir to order servir to servepido pedimos sirvo servimospides sirves pide piden sirve sirvenrepetir to repeatrepito repitimosrepites repite repitenThe IR stem-changers (e i) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last e in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the ir ending) to an i, then you remove the ir ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the e to an i, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(e i) o (e e) imos 1st Person(e i) es 2nd Person(e i) e (e i) en 3rd PersonIR Stem Changers (o ue)dormir to sleepmorir to dieEl duerme. He is sleeping. Ellos duermen. They are sleeping. Mueres! Your dying!Muero! I am dying!dormir to sleep morir to dieduermo dormimos muero morimosduermes mueres duerme duermen muere muerenThe IR stem-changers (o ue) are a type of verb. To conjugate them you simply change the last o in the stem (which means all the parts of the verb but the ir ending) to an ue, then you remove the ir ending and add the appropriate ending. However there is one exception, in first person plural you do not change the o to a ue, you leave the stem as it is before changing. You can follow the rule below. Singlar Plural(o ue) o (o o) imos 1st Person(o ue) es 2nd Person(o ue) e (o ue) en 3rd PersonReflexive IRsconvertirse to becomereunirse to get togetherservirse to prepare for oneselfYo me sirvo un pollo. I am preparing myself a chicken. Nos reunimos algun dia. Lets get together someday. El se converte un hombe. Hes becoming a man. Te sirves el pescado. Your preparing yourself some fish. convertirse to become reunirse to get together servirse to prepare for oneselfme converto nos convertimos me reuno nos reunimos me sirvo nos servimoste convertes te reunes te sirves se converte se converten se reune se reunen se sirve se sirvenReflexive verbs reflect the action of the subject back to the subject. For example a person brushes his hair, or a person shaves himself. These reflexive verbs are conjugated the same way as their non-reflexive counterparts except that to show that the action reflects you must place me, te, se, nos, or se depending upon who is the action is being done to. Reflexive verbs can also be used to express an action in which two or more people do the action to each other, for example, Ellas se miran, or they look at each other. Imperative Mood (Commands)Words in imperative mood (more commonly known as commands) are something that orders a person or group of persons to take an action. They are similar to other verbs and are taken from the other ver bs. They are not conjugated except for singular, or plural commands. Singular command being one that commands only one person, and a plural command commands a group of people. Reflexive verbs also may be used as commands. There are five irregular commands which do not follow the pattern that is set by the commands before it. Polite CommandsTo congugate a not irregular, polite command. 1. Take the first person congugation of the verb (i.e. cantar canto)2. Remove the o from the end of the verb. 3. If an AR verb add e to the end, if an ER or IR verb, add a to the end. 4. If the command is plural, add an n to the end of the verb. 5. If the command is reflexive add an se to the end of the verb, then place an accent mark over the originally stressed vowel. 6. If the command is negative place a no before the verb7. If both negative and reflexive, move the se before the verb (as a separate word), also, remove the added accent mark. 8. If the original verb ended with a CAR, make the C in the new verb a QU. 9. If the original verb ended with a GAR, make the G in the new verb a GU. 10. If the original verb ended with a ZAR, make the Z in the new verb a C. 11. You may place an usted (for singular) ustedes (for plural) lafter the verb, but it is not necessary. 1. Locate the verb on the chart below, then use the appropriate form of the verb. Verb Singular Plural Meaningdar d den to giveestar est estn to be (temporary)ir vaya vayan to gosaber sepa sepan to knowser sea sean to be (permanent)2. If the command is negative, place a no before the verb. 3. You may place an usted (for singular) ustedes (for plural) lafter the verb, but it is not necessary. Examples:Singular (not negative, non reflexive, not irregular)Cante usted bien. Sing well. Beba usted la leche. Drink the milk. Singular (negative, non relexive, not irregular)No pase usted a la puerta. Dont go to the door. No traiga ustedes los libros. Dont bring the books. Singular (not negative, relexive, not irregular)Levntese usted a las ocho. Get up at eight oclock. Si sintese usted cerca de la mesa. Sit near the table. Singular (negative, relexive, not irregular)No se quite usted los guantes. Dont take off the gloves. No se lave usted la cara. Dont wash your face. Plural (not negative, not reflexive, not irregular)Hagan ustedes la tarea. Do your homework. Estudien ustedes la leccin. Study your lesson. Plural (negative, non relexive, not irregular)No hagan ustedes el trabajo ahora. Dont do the work now. No coman ustedes el pan. Dont eat the bread. Plural (not negative, relexive, not irregular)Acestense ustedes tarde. Go to bed late. Acstense ustedes en casa. Stay at home. Plural (negative, relexive, not irregular)No se ponanse ustedes los zapatoes. Dont wear your shoes. No se acuestan ustedes a las diez. Dont wake up at six. Mixed (Irregular)D usted el libro a Juan. Give John the book. Estn ustedes all a las dos. Be there at two oclock. Vaya usted con ellos. Go with them. Sean ustedes bien por favor. Please be good. Sepa usted la leccin por maana. Know the lession for tomorrow. Informal CommandsWhenever you give a command to a person that is your friend and you know. You do not need to use the polite version of that command most often an informal command is used. These have a completely different form than that of the formal commands. Using affirmative familiar commands. When using one of these commands simply follow these steps:1. First select the verb you are going to use. 2. Take the normal second person conjugate of the verb (i.e. cantar cantas)3. Remove the s from the end of the verb. Examples:Toma t caf. Drink coffee. Vive t en Mxico. Live in Mexico. Trae t el dinero. Bring the moneyOye t la msica. Listen to the music. .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 , .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .postImageUrl , .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 , .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:hover , .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:visited , .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:active { border:0!important; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:active , .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0 .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u01aa962e50f0a4f2c0227d0325bd7eb0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Medical Ethics EssayCanta t ahora. Sing now. Come t la ensalada. Eat the salad. Escribe t la carta. Write the letter. Empieza a leer. Begin reading. Vuelve pronto. Come back soon. Da el dinero a Jos. Give the money to Jos. Using negative familiar commands. 1. First select the verb you are going to use. 2. Take the first person conjugate of that verb. 3. Take the first person congugation of the verb (i.e. cantar canto)4. Remove the o from the end of the verb. 5. If an AR verb add e to the end, if an ER or IR verb, then add a to the end. 6. Then place s at the end of the word. Examples:No mires la televisin esta noche. Dont watch TV tonight. No aprendas esta leccin. Dont learn the lesson. No asistas al concierto. Do not attend the concert. No cier cieres la puerta. Dont close the door. No envuelvas el paquete. Wrap the packet. No pongas el espejo alli. Dont put the menu there. No vengas con cosotros. Dont come with us. No hagas el favor. Dont do the favor. No veias al museo con Robert. Dont go to the museum with Robert. No contestas a mi pregunta. Dont answer my question. Irregular Familiar CommandsCertain commands are irregular and do not follow the pattern, refer to the chart for them. Verb Familiar CommandDecir DiHacer HazIr VePoner PonSalir SalSer STener TenVenir VenExamples:Sal de me casa. Leave my house. Haz el favor de escuchar. Do me the favor of listening. Pon la silla aqui, por favor. Set the chair here, please. Di algo. Say something. Ven conmigo en seguida. Come with me at once. S bueno. Be good. Ve aqui. Come here. Ten paciencia. Have patience. Reflexive Informal CommandsFor affirmative reflexive informal commands simply attach te to the end, and add an accent mark above the previously stressed syllable. For negative reflexive informal commands place a te in front of the verb (as a separate word), there is no accent to place. Examples:No te quites los guantes. Dont take off the gloves. No te laves la cara. Dont wash your face. No te ponas el pollo. Dont fix yourself the chicken. Levnteste a las ocho. Get up at eight oclock. Si sinteste cerca de la mesa. Sit near the table. Maquilleste en la cara. Put make up on your face. Preterite (Past) TenseThis section will explain how to use all the previously mentioned verbs in the past tense. For example if you want to say I drank the milk, instead of I am drinking the milk. Simply follow the new rules for conjugation with the old verbs. Regular AR VerbsMi leccin de piano termin a las ocho ayer. My piano lesson ended at eight yesterday. El invierno pasado nev mucho. Last winter it snowed a lot. Nosotros admiramos las pinturas en el museo. We admired the pictures in the museum. Quin compr el coche? Who bought the car?prestar to lend encontrar to find contestar to answer pensar to thinkprest prestamos encontr encontramos contest contestamos pens pensamosprestaste encontraste contestaste pensaste prest prestaron encontr encontraron contest contestaron pens pensaronThe preterite tense is equivalent to the past tense in English: I ate, she went, we talked, did he work?, we did not speak.. To form the preterite tense ARs simply remove the ar at the end and instead add the following ending depending upon the subject of the verb:yo t asteusted, l, ella nosotros amosustedes, ellos, ellas aronRegular ER VerbsBebimos vino anoche. We drank wine last night. Ella no devolvi los libros a la biblioteca. She did not return the books to the library. Qu vendieron ayer? What did they sell yesterday?Que aprendieron ustedes en la clase? What did you learn in class?romper to break defender to defend mover to move aprender to learnromp rompimos defend defendimos mov movimos aprend aprendimosrompiste defendiste moviste aprendiste rompi rompieron defendi defendieron movi movieron aprendi aprendieronThe preterite tense is equivalent to the past tense in English: I ate, she went, we talked, did he work?, we did not speak.. To form the preterite tense ERs simply remove the er at the end and instead add the following ending depending upon the subject of the verb:yo t isteusted, l, ella inosotros imosustedes, ellos, ellas ieronRegular IR VerbsA qu hora salieron ayer? At what time did they leave yesterday?l dividi el pastel en cuatro partes. He divided the pie into parts. Escribieron una carta anoche. They wrote a letter to their relatives. Prometiste a traer los aiertas. You promised to bring the tapes. recibir to recieve escribir to write describir to describe abrir to openrecib recibimos escrib escribimos describ describimos abr abrimosrecibiste escribiste describiste abriste recibi recibieron escribi escribieron describi describieron abri abrieronThe preterite tense is equivalent to the past tense in English: I ate, she went, we talked, did he work?, we did not speak.. To form the preterite tense IRs simply remove the ir at the end and instead add the following ending depending upon the subject of the verb:yo t isteusted, l, ella inosotros imosustedes, ellos, ellas ieronIrregular Verbs in Preterite TenseThere are several groups of irregular verbs in past tense. Each type is different and unrelated. Each are conjugated differently than the previously mentioned way, and some are very different. OddballsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They formdar to give di diste dio dimos dieronir* to go fui fuiste fue fuimos fueronser* to go fui fuiste fue Fuimos fueron*Though ir and ser share the same conjugation they have different meanings you must use context clues to discover the meaningsYo di el coche. I gave him the car. Ella fue a la tienda. She went to the storeNosotros fuimos hombres. We were friends. Ellos fueron casa. They went home. Diste tu el libro a ella? Did you give the book to her?This group has no real pattern and is very odd. The U-Stem IrregularsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They formandar to walk anduve auviste anduvo anduvimos anduvieroncaber to fit cupe cupistestuvo cupo cupimos cupieronestar to be estuve estuviste estuvo estuvimos estuvieronpoder to be able pude pudiste pudo pudimos pudieronsaber to know supe supiste supo supimos supieronponer to put puse pusiste puso pusimos pusierontener to have tuve tuviste tuvo tuvimos tuvieronYo anduve a escuela. I walked to school. Ella cupo en buena. She fit in well. Nosotros tuvimos un casa. We had a house. Ella estuvo un profesora. She was a teacher. Ellos pudieron a nadar. They were able to swim. The J-Stem IrregularsVerb Meaninge I Form You Form He Form We Form They formconducir-to drive conduje condujiste condujo condujimos condujerondecir to say dije dijiste dijo dijimos dijerontraer to bring traje trajiste trajo trajinos trajeronYo conduje casa. I drove home. Dijiste ayer. You told me yesterday. Ella trajo el libro. She brought the book. Ellos dijeron ayer. They said yesterday. Yo traje el coche. I brought the car. The I-Stem IrregularsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They formhacer to do,make hice hiciste hizo* hicimos hicieronquerer to want quise quisiste quiso quisimos quisieronvenir to come vine viniste vino vinimos vinieron*This instance is irregular more than the other irregulars. Yo hice un nota buena. I made a good grade. Ella quiso un gata. She wants a cat. Nosotros vinimos casa. We came home. Ellos quisieron la comida. They want food. Ella hizo la tarjeta. She made the cardThe Y-Stem IrregularsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They formcaer to fall ca caste cay camos cayeroncreer to believe cre creste crey cremos creyeronor to hear o oste oy omos oyeronleer to read le leste ley lemos leyeronElla cay ayer. She fell yesterday. Yo o t. I heard you. Lemos el libro. We read the book. Creyeron me. They believe me. Yo o las noticas. I heard the news. Imperfect tenseIn Spanish something is considered immperfect tense if it is equivalent to the english used to or the like, an action that was repeated. Imperfect AR VerbsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They Formestar to be estaba estabas estaba estbamos estabanayudar to help ayudaba ayudabas ayudaba ayudbamos ayudabanandar to walk andaba andabas andaba andbamos andabanpreguntar to ask preguntaba preguntabas preguntaba preguntbamos preguntabanYo estudiaba mis lecciones todos los los dias. I studied my lessons every day. Mi familia viajaban durante el verano. My family used to travel during the summer. Tu estabas mi amigo. You used to be my friend. El ayudabame muchos. He used to help me a lot. Nosotros andbamos a la tienda. We used to walk to the store. To form imperfect AR verbs you simply remove the AR at the end of the verb and insert the following depending upon the subject needed. yo abat abasusted, l, ella abanosotros bamosustedes, ellos, ellas abanImperfect ER VerbsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They Formvender to sell venda vendas venda vendamos vendancomer to eat coma comas coma comamos comanponer to put pona Ponas pona ponamos ponanhacer to make haca Hacas haca hacamos hacanYo venda libros en la tienda. I used to sell books in the store. Nosotros comamos pollo todos las dias. We used to eat chicken every day. El pona la mesa. He used to set the table. Ellos beban vino. They used to drink wine. Yo lea los libros. I used to read books. To form imperfect ER verbs you simply remove the ER at the end of the verb and insert the following depending upon the subject needed. yo at asusted, l, ella anosotros amosustedes, ellos, ellas anImperfect IR VerbsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They Formdormir to sleep dorma dormas dorma dormamos dormansentir to feel senta sentas senta sentamos sentanpartir to leave parta partas parta partamos partansalir to go out sala salas sala salamos salanYo me dorma temprano. I used to go to sleep early. El senta enjoada a tu. I used to feel mad at you. Nosotros sentamos tarde. We used to leave late. Ellos salan en domingo. They used to go out on Sunday. Yo sala siempre todos las dias. I used to go out almost every day. To form imperfect IR verbs you simply remove the IR at the end of the verb and insert the following depending upon the subject needed. yo at asusted, l, ella anosotros amosustedes, ellos, ellas anIrregular Imperfect VerbsVerb Meaning I Form You Form He Form We Form They Formser to be era eras era eramos eranir to go iba ibas iba ibamos ibanver to see vea veas vea veamos veanNosotros ibamos a la tienda. We used to go to the store. Yo vea un doctor. I used to see a doctor. Ellos eramos loco. They used to be crazy. El era un estudiante. He used to be a student. Tu ibas a casa temprano. You used to go home earlyThese three verbs are the only verbs that are irregular in this tense, simply follow the conjugations above. Foreign Languages Essays
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Fethishism
Fetishism Fetishism is a perversion that is found, primarily in men, in which genital discharge is impossible without the presence of their fetish. A fetish, however can be a variety of things, yet there are three basic types of fetishes: an inanimate object (e.g. women's clothing, shoes, gloves, underwear), a part of the human body (e.g. foot, hand, hair, legs, breasts), or something odd such as, leather, rubber, the touch of velvet. Some fetishes, as observed by Freud, may not even be visible to the other person at all. In one case a patient of Freud was obsessed with the shine on the noses of the women he was attracted to. With regards to specific fetishes such as that the fetishist usually needs to look at, touch, or smell during or preparing for the sexual act. In some cases just the sight of the fetish could result in an orgasm. The Freudian view of fetishes changed over the years. His early view stated that fetishism was a result of some childhood fantasy or exposure that resulted in the fetish but he later changed the view. Freud later theorized that the fetish was a fear of castration on the part of the male. He believed that the association with the penis to the female reproductive organ was a reminder to men that castration is possible. This anxiety would cause the fetishist to associate his or her sexual desire with another body part or object. By doing this he or she can link sexual experience with another part and forget about infertility, humiliation, or anxiety. Usually the desire is linked closely to the genitals, it could be something seen when the genitals were first viewed, such as, underwear, or something associatively linkable to the experience (e.g. fur, which could be symbolic of pubic hair). In some cases kleptomania has been considered a fetish. Many fetishists develop a compulsive urge to obtain their cherished articles by any means possible. They may become sexually... Free Essays on Fethishism Free Essays on Fethishism Fetishism Fetishism is a perversion that is found, primarily in men, in which genital discharge is impossible without the presence of their fetish. A fetish, however can be a variety of things, yet there are three basic types of fetishes: an inanimate object (e.g. women's clothing, shoes, gloves, underwear), a part of the human body (e.g. foot, hand, hair, legs, breasts), or something odd such as, leather, rubber, the touch of velvet. Some fetishes, as observed by Freud, may not even be visible to the other person at all. In one case a patient of Freud was obsessed with the shine on the noses of the women he was attracted to. With regards to specific fetishes such as that the fetishist usually needs to look at, touch, or smell during or preparing for the sexual act. In some cases just the sight of the fetish could result in an orgasm. The Freudian view of fetishes changed over the years. His early view stated that fetishism was a result of some childhood fantasy or exposure that resulted in the fetish but he later changed the view. Freud later theorized that the fetish was a fear of castration on the part of the male. He believed that the association with the penis to the female reproductive organ was a reminder to men that castration is possible. This anxiety would cause the fetishist to associate his or her sexual desire with another body part or object. By doing this he or she can link sexual experience with another part and forget about infertility, humiliation, or anxiety. Usually the desire is linked closely to the genitals, it could be something seen when the genitals were first viewed, such as, underwear, or something associatively linkable to the experience (e.g. fur, which could be symbolic of pubic hair). In some cases kleptomania has been considered a fetish. Many fetishists develop a compulsive urge to obtain their cherished articles by any means possible. They may become sexually...
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Election of 1884 - Cleveland and Blaine
The Election of 1884 - Cleveland and Blaine The election of 1884 shook up politics in the United States as it brought a Democrat, Grover Cleveland, to the White House for the first time since the administration of James Buchanan a quarter-century earlier. And the 1884 campaign was also marked by notorious mudslinging, including a paternity scandal. In an era when highly competitive daily newspapers were relaying every scrap of news about the two major candidates, it seems that rumors about Clevelands scandalous past would cost him the election. But then his opponent, James G. Blaine, a longtime political figure with a national reputation, participated in a catastrophic gaffe a week before election day. The momentum, especially in the critical state of New York, dramatically swung from Blaine to Cleveland. And not only was the election of 1884 tumultuous, but it set the stage for several presidential elections to follow in the 19th century. Clevelands Surprising Rise to Prominence Grover Cleveland had been born in 1837 in New Jersey, but lived most of his life in New York State. He became a successful lawyer in Buffalo, New York. During the Civil War he chose to send a substitute to take his place in the ranks. That was entirely legal at the time, but he was later criticized for it. In an era when Civil War veterans dominated many facets of politics, Clevelands decision not to serve was ridiculed. In the 1870s Cleveland held a local post as sheriff for three years, but returned to his private law practice and probably anticipated no further political career. But when a reform movement swept New York State politics, the Democrats of Buffalo encouraged him to run for mayor. He served a one-year term, in 1881, and the following year ran for governor of New York. He was elected, and made a point of standing up to Tammany Hall, the political machine in New York City. Cleveland’s one term as New York’s governor positioned him to be the Democratic nominee for president in 1884. Within a span of four years, Cleveland was propelled by reform movements from his obscure law practice in Buffalo to the top spot on a national ticket. James G. Blaine, the Republican Candidate in 1884 James G. Blaine had been born into a political family in Pennsylvania, but when he married a woman from Maine he moved to her home state. Rising quickly in Maine politics, Blaine held statewide office before being elected to Congress. In Washington, Blaine served as Speaker of the House during the years of Reconstruction. He was elected to the Senate in 1876. He was also a contender for the Republican nomination for president in 1876. He dropped out of the race in 1876 when he was implicated in a financial scandal involving railroad stocks. Blaine proclaimed his innocence, but he was often viewed with suspicion. Blaine’s political persistence paid off when he secured the Republican nomination in 1884. The 1884 Presidential Campaign The stage for the 1884 election had really been set eight years earlier, with the controversial and disputed election of 1876, when Rutherford B. Hayes took office and pledged to serve only one term. Hayes was followed by James Garfield, who was elected in 1880, only to be shot by an assassin a few months after taking office. Garfield eventually died from the gunshot wound and was succeeded by Chester A. Arthur. As 1884 approached, President Arthur sought the Republican nomination for 1884, but he wasn’t able to bring various party factions together. And, it was widely rumored that Arthur was in poor health. (President Arthur was indeed ill, and died in what would have been the middle of his second term.) With the Republican Party, which had held power since the Civil War, now in disarray, it seemed the Democrat Grover Cleveland had a good chance to win. Bolstering Cleveland’s candidacy was his reputation as a reformer. A number of Republicans who couldn’t support Blaine as they believed him to be corrupt threw their support behind Cleveland. The faction of Republicans supporting Democrats was dubbed Mugwumps by the press. A Paternity Scandal Surfaced in the 1884 Campaign Cleveland campaigned little in 1884, while Blaine ran a very busy campaign, giving about 400 speeches. But Cleveland encountered a huge obstacle when a scandal erupted in July 1884. The bachelor Cleveland, it was revealed by a newspaper in Buffalo, was having an affair with a widow in Buffalo. And it was also alleged that he had fathered a son with the woman. The accusations traveled quickly, as newspapers supported Blaine spread the story. Other newspapers, inclined to support the Democratic nominee, hustled to debunk the scandalous tale. On August 12, 1884, the New York Times reported that a committee of independent Republicans of Buffalo had investigated the charges against Cleveland. In a lengthy report, they proclaimed that the rumors, which involved charges of drunkenness as well as the purported abduction of a woman, were baseless. The rumors, though, continued until election day. Republicans seized on the paternity scandal, mocking Cleveland by chanting the rhyme, â€Å"Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa?†Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion Created Trouble for Blaine The Republican candidate created a huge problem for himself a week before the election. Blaine attended a meeting in a Protestant church at which a minister chided those who had left the Republican Party by stating, â€Å"We don’t propose to leave our party and identify with the party whose antecedents are rum, Romanism, and rebellion.†Blaine sat quietly during the attack aimed at Catholics and Irish voters in particular. The scene was reported widely in the press, and it cost Blaine in the election, particularly in New York City. A Close Election Determines the Outcome The 1884 election, perhaps due to Cleveland’s scandal, was closer than many people expected. Cleveland won the popular vote by a narrow margin, less than half a percent, but secured 218 electoral votes to Blaine’s 182. Blaine lost the state of New York by little more than a thousand votes, and it was believed the â€Å"rum, Romanism, and rebellion†comments had been the fatal blow. The Democrats, celebrating Cleveland’s victory, took to mocking the Republican attacks on Cleveland by chanting, â€Å"Ma, Ma, where’s my Pa? Gone to the White House, ha ha ha!†Grover Cleveland’s Interrupted White House Career Grover Cleveland served a term in the White House but was defeated in his bid for reelection in 1888. However, he achieved something unique in American politics when he ran again in 1892 and was elected, thus becoming the only president to serve two terms that were not consecutive. The man who defeated Cleveland in 1888, Benjamin Harrison, appointed Blaine as his Secretary of State. Blaine was active as a diplomat, but resigned the post in 1892, perhaps hoping to once again secure the Republican nomination for president. That would have set the stage for another Cleveland-Blaine election, but Blaine wasn’t able to secure the nomination. His health failed and he died in 1893.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Electronic Communication in the Workplace Assignment
Electronic Communication in the Workplace - Assignment Example An unfortunate incident in the corporate sector is that of Royal and SunAlliance Insurance Company. The organization sacked and disciplined employees involved in the distribution and emailing of pornographic content. The time allocated to the viewing and distribution of the illegal content at the workplace is a clear indication of misappropriation of resources in the company. The unanticipated fall in employee count disorganized the structure of the organization. Consequently, the output of the organization decreased. The company ought to address the misconduct of email at work through employment policies. It is necessary for each staff to go through these policies and agreeing to them by signing the document if it is in hard copy. Installation of email filtering software is vital for monitoring the employees and in punishing the offenders of the employment policies. In addition to that, the employer is responsible for addressing the issue in regular meetings by insisting a high level of formality in the use emails both externally and internally. Implementation of the mentioned guidelines at the workplace is a holistic approach to the elimination of unproductiveness at the workplace while promoting ethics in the business. The purpose of writing is to announce the implementation of guidelines for the use of the company’s email as a tool of communication within the workplace. The decision resulted from recently revealed statistics on the abuse of the resource in the company. The use of employment policies as a guideline is vital in mitigating the email misuse. Employment policies of the company have undergone revision. The inclusion of Internet and email use as a section in the policies is a necessary move in the implementation and enforcement of the rear mentioned guideline. Attached is a revised copy of the employment policies. Take time to go through each policy related to the use of Internet and email.Â
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Network Security through the protocol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Network Security through the protocol - Essay Example DF is the flag Don't Fragment S is the first part of three-way TCP handshake (SYN, SYN, ACK) Seq is the sequence number Ack is the Acknowledgement TcpLen is the length of the TCP protocol TcpOption Provision for optional header fields MSS 1460 is the maximum segment size, or maximum IP datagram size that can be handled without using fragmentation. Both sides of the connection must agree on a value; if they are different, the lower value is used. As we have seen the dissection of the above packet we will directly get into packet analyses for the rest of the packets. Analyses of all the network packets: 08/16-15:27:17.820587 -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:48195 IpLen:20 DgmLen:44 DF ******S* Seq: 0xF1908361 Ack: 0x0 Win: 0x2000 TcpLen: 24 TCP Options (1) => MSS: 1460 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ At this packet the source address is sending information to the destination through TCP. Here the initial phase of the TCP is done. Sync is done in the TCP handshake. The sequence number is given in hexadecimal. Now the destination would receive the packet and send an acknowledgement back to the source. 08/16-15:27:17.820656 -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0 ID:2676 IpLen:20 DgmLen:44 DF ***A**S* Seq: 0x7CFB7BBA Ack: 0xF1908362 Win: 0x2238 TcpLen: 24 TCP Options (1) => MSS: 1460 =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Here we see that the destination with port 139 has sent an acknowledgement back to the source with an acknowledgement 0xF1908362. This Ack would be received by the 08/16-15:27:17.820785 -> TCP TTL:128 TOS:0x0...Generally these packets can be easily sniffed using different packet sniffers like wireshark, snort, capsa etc., These packet analyzers are generally used so that it can used to analyze any kind of network problem, it can be used to detect the network intrusion attempts, it can gain information for effecting a network intrusion, to monitor the network usage, to debug client and server communication. Here let us analyze and decode the network packets. MSS 1460 is the maximum segment size, or maximum IP datagram size that can be handled without using fragmentation. Both sides of the connection must agree on a value; if they are different, the lower value is used. At this packet the source address is sending information to the destination through TCP. Here the initial phase of the TCP is done. Sync is done in the TCP handshake. The sequence number is given in hexadecimal. Now being familiar with all the packet information let us move forward where the actual data has been transmitted between the two IP address. In the above packet we can see the hex dump of the packet where there is a message sent to the destination here. This is where the Session Request is done. Similarly the above packet gathers the acknowledgement of the previous packets and sends it as the sequence to the destination address where the connection has been established.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Response to the Film William Faulkner: a Life on Paper :: Movie Film Essays
Response to the Film William Faulkner: a Life on Paper While I was watching the documentary William Faulkner, a Life on Paper I found it striking how the different people that were interviewed talked about two different sides of the author William Faulkner. His daughters, Jill Faulkner Sommers and his stepdaughter, spoke mainly about his alcohol abuse and his moodiness whereas Faulkner’s contemporaries from Oxford underlined Faulkner’s generosity and kindness. The documentary shows Faulkner not only as father of Jill and his stepdaughter but also as a father figure for many others. He had to take care of several families at once. At one point Faulkner had seventeen dependents to provide for. Many of the people that were interviewed describe Faulkner as being very generous and always willing to help others even when he had almost nothing himself. One special example is his brother Dean who died in an airplane accident and because Faulkner had bought the plane he apparently felt guilty about the death of his brother for the r est of his life as his sister-in-law says in the interview. The interviews with Faulkner’s daughter Jill and his stepdaughter show a different side of the Nobel Prize-winning author. Jill speaks about her father (whom she calls â€Å"papi†) and his alcohol habits in an objective, distanced way and seems to have accepted the fact that her father was a man who cared about many people, but sometimes â€Å"would have walked on her.†One incident she talks about struck me especially. She remembers that at a party her father was drinking once again and when she asked him to stop he said to her: â€Å"No one remembered Shakespeare’s child†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Even when we take the fact into account that he was drunk at that point, this seems to me a rather cruel thing to say to one’s daughter. Other women, however, seem to have been of great importance in Faulkner’s life among them Joan Williams, a young, aspiring author from Memphis. Talking about her Jill Faulkner Sommers says that her father liked the idea of having a â€Å"protà ©gà ©.†Other women Faulkner seems to have been greatly attached to were his mother and his grandmother. Faulkner dedicated Go Down Moses to another woman he apparently cared about very much, the family â€Å"mammy.†The dedication runs: â€Å"To Mammy Caroline Barr, who was born in slavery and gave to my family a fidelity without stint or calculation of recompense and to my childhood an immeasurable devotion and love.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Things They Carried Passage Analysis
â€Å"Spin†Passage: The Things They Carried The function of the passage from the episode â€Å"Spin†is to introduce a different interpretation of the concept of â€Å"boredom,†one that pertains to the war and the soldiers specifically and not often experienced by civilians. The type of boredom described by the narrator in the passage is tenser, and encompasses many more emotions that the Alpha Company comes across.Throughout the passage, the reader gets the idea that the soldiers are not bored in the irritated and uninterested way that most people typically are. Instead, the men are anxious, anticipating the next unpleasant event to come upon them at any moment. The narrator explains, â€Å"You’d try to relax. You’d uncurl your fists and let your thoughts go. Well, you’d think, this isn’t so bad. And right then you’d hear gunfire behind you and your nuts would fly up into your throat and you’d be squealing pig squeals †(O’Brien 34).This description of how the soldiers would behave, with curled fists and apprehensive thoughts, jumping at every noise, proves that they are not nonchalant but hyperaware of their surrounding and on edge. When the narrator describes war as â€Å"boring,†he refers to the redundancy of always worrying, then allowing oneself to relax for a moment before being bombarded with another battle. The first three sentences from the quote have a calm, slow attitude, especially when juxtaposed with â€Å"gunfire,†â€Å"nuts,†and â€Å"pig squeals,†which are harsh, callous words.The way in which O’Brien chose to write that particular quote is similar to the repetitive way that the soldiers wait, making the reader understand to some level what it is like to live that way. As a result, O’Brien uses this passage to introduce a new, atypical definition of the word â€Å"bored,†where it is used as an â€Å"umbrella†word for many other emotions, including anxiety and fear.
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