Friday, November 29, 2019
Assignment the Sperm and the Egg Essays
Assignment the Sperm and the Egg Essays Assignment the Sperm and the Egg Essay Assignment the Sperm and the Egg Essay Fortunately though, there Is sexual arousal, which allows a male and a female to Indulge In their desire to satisfy their sexual urges. Their mere desire to mate and create new life. Before sexual intercourse can even happen, a male and a female must catch sight of one another and either notice something desirable, or just have the need to mate. This most likely starts with a look, a touch, or a kiss and ends with the wish of longing, of being together in the most intense way two creatures can be together. Though still before intercourse, there comes this excitement between the two. This causes blood to start flowing to the lower parts of the male and females bodies. Wealth the male, this causes an erection. An erection happens when blood enters the cylinders within the penis that allow it to stand and stiffen; the scrotum that holds the testicles start to swell as well. Within the female, this causes swelling and lubrication of the vulva (including the clitoris) to begin. This causes the inner vaginal lips to become inflated with blood and the sphincters to tighten. The breasts begin to tighten, enlarge, and the nipples harden. All of this arousal causes both parties to take on a reddish flush; both also begin to breathe harder and louder (some call this panting). This Is the beginning of a male and female getting ready to engage in sexual intercourse. In this phase of coitus, the male takes his penis and slowly presses his penis into the females vagina (Rather, 2005). The males internal sexual organs are the testes, which include the tubes that hold the sperm and other organs that help with producing semen. The females internal organs, which are also part of the reproduction process, are the vagina, the cervix, the uterus, the ovaries, and the fallopian tubes. All of these organs have a specific part within sexual intercourse and reproduction. After the males penis enters the outer walls of the vagina, it begins to thrust in and out of the vagina, creating friction and stimulation for both parties. The vulva is extremely lubricated at this point, making the movements of the penis thrusting in and out easier on both. During arousal, the males penis will drip a clear fluid prior to ejaculating. This clear fluid Is secreted from the Coopers glands and Is much clearer and thinner In substance when compared to semen, though It still contains the sperm needed to fertilize an egg In a male, which can cause pregnancy (Rather, 2005). After an undetermined amount of time from a few minutes to a few hours (depending on the person), the males penis will contract and start ejaculating. Semen; which is made up of sperm and other fluids from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the Coopers glands flow out from the tip of the penis (also known as the head) and enter the Internal sexual organs AT ten Tamale. I men, rater two cays time, ten Tatterdemalion process can Deign In ova after being released from the ovaries. Thus beginning the initiation of biological production by insemination in the infinitum (Rather, 2005). And this is where John and Jane come into play. John is a sperm. After being released into the internal sexual organs of the female, he becomes free. John happens to be a very strong swimmer and he knew hed have to be fast so that he could reach the egg first. Looking about his competition he knew this would be a great race and a fight to find his love. The warmth and darkness was comforting to John, but he knew he could not rest for his competition was right behind him. This was his only chance in this three- ay lifespan and he knew that if he did not reach the egg, then one of his competitors would. Luckily, John had an amazing sense of direction for being so small and he knew he would be the first to the egg. He was finding his way Just fine, though the Journey was still long and complicated, as well as crowded, leaving John little space to move forward quickly. But John was a fighter; he was not going to back down from this, even with the mass following after him. John continued to swim his way up. And though he began to feel cold, he continued to swim faster and faster. Keeping his competition close by at all times. And finally, after what seemed like days, he spotted the egg. John looked around taking note that there was no one else there, he took his chance. With every last ounce of his strength, John swam up to the egg. At this first and only glimpse, he knew he was in love. He knew that this was going to be his life mate. Introducing himself he met Jane, the egg. Slowly, John entered Jane and they became one. Thus forming a zygote that immediately began developing. But John didnt come empty-handed and neither did Jane.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Martin Luther Trial essays
Martin Luther Trial essays Martin Luther refused to admit guilt for what he had repeatedly published over the prior four years. Martin Luther was a German monk and was directly challenging the authority and teaching of Western Christendom and the man believed by Catholics to be the human representative of God on Earth, the Pope, Pope Leo X to be exact. Luther was challenging the power of Rome just as his ancestors did centuries ago. In order for the church to pay for wars and to encourage young men to fight began selling indulgences around the time of the Crusades. Anyone who bought an indulgence would receive complete absolution and remission of all sins and preferential treatment for future sins. Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Castle Church at Wittenberg. Luthers argument was that selling pardons like souvenirs trivialized sins. He criticized the pope for claiming to be able to reach beyond the grave and spring a soul from purgatory. After posting the Ninety-Five Theses the sale of indulgences went down drastically outside of Saxony, the region surrounding Wittenberg. As word spread around Western Europe, demonstrations for or against Luther started. A few archbishops called for heresy proceedings against Luther to begin immediately. Luther still published other pamphlets that condemned everything from relics and pilgrimages to the Holy City of Rome and extravagant claims of the power of the saints. Soon after, Pope Leo X had Luther brought to Rome. He had Luther issue a public retraction and swear to never again question papal authority, Luther refused. His public criticism of the misuse of letters of indulgence in 1517 did not result in the desired discussion but led to the start of a court of inquisition culminating in Luther's excommunication after the Imperial Diet of Worms in 1521. Frederick the Wise, king of Germany,...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Correlate Actions and Results with Project Management Processes Assignment
Correlate Actions and Results with Project Management Processes - Assignment Example A solution to this requires creation of a benchmark to enhance assessment of the quality of the end product (Alan, 2008). It is crucial to develop processes which will take place in achieving the ultimate goal. This will enhance coordination, correlation, and effective implementation of the project. The idea will also facilitate the creation of order of events; this reduces chances of producing a substandard output, because the outline ensures that implementers follow the recommended procedures (Clifford and Larson, 2007). Work break down structure will also facilitate correlation of actions, processes, and results. This is because it is a tool for strategic planning; the tool divides the project into subsections. The subsections facilitate division of labor in relation to job specialization, resource allocation, and delegation of duties among others. Project schedule will also a play part in resource allocation, and progress control (Pinkerton, 2007). The involvement of productive employees and supervisor will also improve correlation of the project’s process. This is because their attitude and ideologies are directly proportional to the results. From this, the project implementation teams have to be keen in hiring employees. With consideration of the above inclusions, we will impact on correlating actions and results with project management
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Empirical analysis of relationship between land prices and housing Research Proposal
Empirical analysis of relationship between land prices and housing prices in Shanghai - Research Proposal Example This study is therefore a relevant on study that will aim to bridge the gap in literature on the seemingly lack of empirical research on the relationship between land prices and housing prices in Shanghai. Where there is a correlation, the research will take the position that since land is non-expenditure consuming product, real estate companies can focus on reducing prices of land so that accessibility to housing can improve. Once this is done, there will be a two-way benefit whereby both housing providers and consumers will benefit because supply will increase with increasing demand. The proposed study aims to collect very credible first hand data about the relationship between land prices and prices of houses in Shanghai. In order to ensure that the data presented in the data are not merely based on speculation, a lot of emphasis will be placed on primary data collection, which will be conducted by the use of the case study research design. This means that the proposed methodology will be a quantitative research that identifies a unique case when a research setting, which will be critically studied through the collection of primary data from associated respondents. As part of the research topic, the case that will be studied during the primary data collection is the empirical relationship between prices of land and the prices of houses. The research setting shall be the Shanghai Real Estate Agency. The fact that the study will be a case study means that the data collection approach will be focused specifically on the research setting, which is real estate in Sh anghai rather than generalising data for the larger industry of real estate. Statistics from the Office of National Statistics indicates that there are over 500 registered real estate agencies in Shanghai (Eppen and Hanson, 2011). The population of the study shall however focus on the marketing officers of these estate agencies alone. But as indicated by Evan and Stabler (2005),
Monday, November 18, 2019
Market Success and Entry Strategy Research Paper
Market Success and Entry Strategy - Research Paper Example The first and foremost step is the analysis of the market size and demand. The market according to the various segments are divided and categorized. For example, for an automobile market, the division of the market can be as according to the taste, demand and preference of the consumers. The consumers in one group of consumers are different from the other group and each represents a separate entity. The characteristics or the dimensions on which a market size is determined are geographic, cultural, social, economic and psychological factors. The market potential of a new consumer product is tested. The acceptance level of the product would decide the money that product will make in the market. There are various factors, which affect segmentation in a consumer market. Geographic is one such factor, where a country is segmented on basis region, city, urban, rural and climate. Demographically market is segmented on the basis of age, family size, gender, household income, life stage, occ upation, education, religion, race, generation and social class. Further, segmentation can be done on the basis of lifestyle and personality traits. On an individual level market can be segmented on the basis of attitude, belief and perception of products, product awareness and usage pattern. Market success analysis In any country the buying or the purchasing power is depends mostly on the infrastructure, currency, quality of the product and employment level. In mostly all agricultural based society, the production of a commodity, information to other available resources is very less. The resources like the labors, professionals or the working class has a major impact on the success of any foreign company in any country. In India the distribution of labor forces is unequal. Most of the professionals reside in the urban areas. Hangout Plaza is a fast food chain of restaurant. It offers mostly burgers, chicken pizzas, which will not be accepted by the rural population. In India, the c ost of labor is low. In order for the company to be able to market their product smoothly they should employ the local population. The skilled, unskilled labors can be deployed to gain the confidence of the locals and to get the work done at a cheaper rate. The regulations and the duties imposed by the government also play a major part in shaping the business of a company in the international market. The Government's red tape policies are often a hindrance for any foreign company. In India, the government is quite liberal in allowing the foreign companies to enter. India has many U.S. base hotels which are operating since a long time (FAO, 1997).  The political, economic and social factor poses a serious problem risk for any new company in the global market. For Hangout Plaza, there are many competition threats from many other fast food chains of hotels. Since there is no clear-cut strategy to decide and ascertain which strategy can be useful for assessing the competition threat s, the need to understand and calculate the same becomes more tedious and tough. Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
the importance of water in plant growth
the importance of water in plant growth Water is a vital component to the survival of every plant in the world as it is aids in the way that they obtain their food (through the process of photosynthesis), grow (cell division, mitosis), respire (cellular respiration) and how they keep their formation (rigidity). Water helps plants maintain their formation by transporting dissolved nutrients, amino acids and sugars from the soil to areas where it is of high demand. It flows through cell membranes from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration (osmosis) (A Sanders, 2010). Water allows plants to survive by being one of the vital reactants in the chemical reaction of photosynthesis. Every molecule of water contains two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom which are tightly held together by covalent bonds. This molecule contains 10 protons, 10 electrons and 8 neutrons (refer to fig 6) (Answers Cooperation, 2010). Water has a boiling point of 100Â °C and a freezing point of 0Â °C. In our world water is found in three different states; ice, liquid and as steam or water vapour. Due to cohesive forces, the molecules of water are strongly attracted to each other and therefore the surface tension (the charge of the water molecules attract eachother to form a skin across the surface of the water) that is created is vital to the survival of many animals (e.g. pond skater). Water molecules have dipoles due to the electrons being shared from both hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atom (refer to fig 6). This means that the electrons spend more time near the oxygen atom then near the hydrogen atoms resulting in a slight negative charge on the side of the molecule which contains t he oxygen atom and a slight positive charge on the side of the molecule which contains both hydrogen atoms (A Capri, 2010) (Chemistry, MJones, GJones, DAcaster). Fig 6: Basic Water Molecule. Fig 7: Root Structure of a Plant. The main area of plants which absorb water from their surrounding environment is the root hair zone. Inside the zone, are the roots hairs of the plants which are found growing parallel to the roots. The root hairs (refer to fig 7) of the plants have fragile like characteristics so they are replaced every day at an average rate of 100 million. The root hairs are slender and are present in hefty sizes so they are able to cover enormous amount of surface area therefore absorbing maximum water (containing nutrients, amino acids and sugars from the soil. From the roots hairs, the water (and what contained in the water) travel through the tissues found within the roots, stems and leaves of plants called xylem and phloem. (B Dery, 2009) (, 2010) (R Bailey, 2010). Fig8: Xylem and Phloem Structures. The transport system of vascular plants is made up of the xylem tissue and the phloem tissue, two different tissues which run through the roots, stem and leaves of plants (refer to fig 8) (Andrew Rader Studios, 2010) (SlideShare Inc, 2008). These two tissues are shaped like tubes and due to this characteristic, are easily able to transport water from the soil to the areas of the plants where it is needed most. There are three main differences between the two tissues with the first one being that the tubes of xylem transport water and dissolved nutrients throughout the plant whilst the tubes of the phloem transports amino acids and sugars (N Neezal, 2010). Secondly the cells within the xylem tubes are dead whilst the cells within the phloem tubes are living and thirdly the xylem tissue only allows a one-way flow whilst the phloem tissue allows a two-way flow (refer to fig 10). Fig 10: Characteristics of Xylem and Phloem Vessels. The xylem tubes are long and thick and are made of vessels and tracheids (Harun Yahya International, 2004). The tubes are attached from end to end allowing the water to reach maximum speed throughout its journey of the plant (Andrew Rader Studios, 2010). The phloem tubes are made up of sieve and companion cells which run parallel to each other. They are long and thin also joined from end to end. Located on the end walls of the tubes are large pores which allow amino acids and sugars to enter and flow out of the tubes throughout the plant to areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration (Tiscali UK Limited, No Date). Fig 9: The Transpiration Process of Plants. From the xylem and phloem tissues, water, dissolved nutrients, amino acids and sugars are transported up through the plant due to a process called transpiration. Transpiration (refer to fig 9) is the evaporation of water generally from the leaves of plants (Refer to reference 12, 13). The process of transpiration allows all the dissolved nutrients contained in the water molecules to move from the roots to the leaves, allowing them to be rehydrated due to the water loss experienced from transpiration. The process of transpiration is a continuous cycle allowing the leaves of plants to transpire yet still allowing them to rehydrate from the nutrients, amino acids and sugar contained in the water molecules. Fig 12: Evenly Transferred Molecular Motion of Kettles/Stoves. Water is water; fresh, boiled, heated, cooled, frozen, its all the same or so it is thought. The way in which water is heated and/or boiled by common household appliances for example a kettle or a microwave, may change the function and the way of which water molecules are designed to work. By boiling water in a kettle (or on a stove), water is heated evenly (refer to fig 12) due to the continuous cycle that occurs in this particular way of heating. The warmer water molecules rise and the cooler water molecules descend until they are warm therefore resulting in evenly heated water. The process of how water heats up in a microwave is completely different to how it heats up in a kettle. In a microwave, random parts of the water are chosen from the various angles within the microwave, therefore heating up minimal surface area compared to a kettle which heats up the complete area (refer to fig 11). This is the reason why sometimes when heating food up in a microwave some areas are hot whilst others are cold (Wimpy, 2010). Fig 11: Random Microwave Waves. The aim of this extended experimental investigation is to investigate what effect, if there is an effect, water that has been heated up in a microwave has on Petunia x hybrida and Tagetes patula plants. What effect will water heated up in a microwave have on the growth and development of Petunia x hybrida and Tagetes patula plants? It was hypothesized that water that is heated up in a microwave will somehow (due to the components of the microwave) be unable to pick up essential nutrients such as amino acids and sugar from the soil. By the hypothesis stated, it is evident to see that the reason for investigating and performing this experiment is to discover whether or not plants are still able to grow and develop to their full potential using water that has been heated up in a microwave.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Science :: essays research papers
Addition of Torques Objective:      To ascertain equilibrium of the meter stick. Doing so by finding missing variables consisting of torque, length, weight and mass. Record all results and compare to calculated results. Procedure:      (Lab part A) †¢Ã‚     A fiberglass meter stick is to be used. Suspend this meter stick using string. †¢Ã‚     Hang 100 gram weight from the meter stick with a string a the 10 cm point on the meter stick. †¢Ã‚     Move the loop that suspends the meter stick left or right horizontally until the meter stick balances. (with the 100 g weight still attached at the 10 cm point) Procedure:      (Lab part B) †¢Ã‚     Place a string at 65 cm to support the meter stick. †¢Ã‚     Find the torque produced by the off centered string support by hanging weights on the shorter end of the meter stick to make it balance. †¢Ã‚     Take found torque and calculate mass to be placed at the 15 cm mark in order to balance the meter stick. †¢Ã‚     Hang weights to meter stick at the 15 cm location until the meter stick acquires equilibrium to prove your calculations. Procedure:      (Lab part C) †¢Ã‚     Suspend a meter stick with string placed at the 65 cm point. †¢Ã‚     Hang 100 grams of weight at the 45 cm mark, and 500 grams at the 90 cm mark on the meter stick. †¢Ã‚     Hang 200 grams of weight between 0 – 45 cm mark and move this weight until equilibrium is achieved. Record this measurement. Data Part A:           Mass of weight (m-2) = 100 grams Position string balanced = 36.4 cm Distance from center of meter stick to balance point. (L-1) = 13.6 cm Distance from balance point to suspended weight. (L-2) = 26.4 cm Mass of meter stick. (at center gravity) m1 = m2 (L1/ L2) Therefore: m1 = 100 (26.4/13.6) m1 = 100(1.94111) m1 = 194.1176 grams (mass of the meter stick) Data Part B:           Found natural torque (off set support string) = t = fl 85 grams placed at 100 cm balanced the off set support string at 65 cm. Therefore: t = 85 * (100 – 65) t = 2975 Total torque of right side of support string: t = 90cm – 65cm (500 g) t = 12,500 Then we calculated the left side torque: t = 65cm – 40cm (100g) t = 2500      Then we took the right torque and subtracted the left torque: 9525 – 2500 = 7025 (this is the missing force on the left side) Missing torque 7025 = 50cm ( ? ) 7025/50 = 140.5grams Calculate weight to be placed at 15cm. = 140.5 grams Data Part C:
Monday, November 11, 2019
Patton Fuller Financial Statements Essay
Financial statements hold a great deal of information on them and there are many things to consider when reviewing them. A financial statement can be audited or unaudited which vary in expense information. There are effects of revenue sources to consider and businesses have a different revenue every year. They can either be close in dollar amount or could vary significantly. The financial goal to how much revenue a business wants to make should be set in order to plan and control for expenses that the business must pay for in case of emergencies. Financial statements are very detailed and are well informative of the financial status of a business. Audited Versus Unaudited In the Patton-Fuller revenue and expense statement report, the audited or unaudited financial statements vary in their particular expense information. A considerable reduction in the analysis of income is the fundamental procurement of every doubtful account. The distinct term refers to fixed number of accounts receivable that will eventually become bad debt or standardized as unvaluable funds. A statement furnished concerning all third party reports shall always demonstrate the distribution of doubtful accounts noteworthy as an expenditure (Baker & Baker, 2011). Management of the doubtful accounts have a million dollar increase particularly on the audited statement report in comparison to the unaudited report. All the allotments in the calculated amounts vary within the net income and operating income from signifying a profit that undoubtedly shows a loss. An audited balance statement affirms an amount of one million dollars that is reduced in revenue corresponding with the unaudite d report on the present profit listed that relates to patient balance due.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Travel Nursing and Filling High-Need Roles
Travel Nursing and Filling High-Need Roles Jeff Long, as marketing manager for Medical Solutions, spends quite a bit of time talking about travel nursing, or nurses traveling to different parts of the country to fill temporary needs, and tells nurses what they need to know on Travel Nursing Blogs. He chatted with us about filling a specific, temporary niche. What is travel nursing, for those unfamiliar with the concept?Travel nursing is a specific area of the healthcare staffing industry that focuses on providing nurses on a temporary basis to hospitals in need of additional nurse staff. The standard length of a travel nurse contract is 13 weeks, but it can vary, and many jobs will also offer extensions. Nurses go through a travel nurse staffing firm, which helps place them in a temporary assignment at a facility and brokers the terms of employment, including quality screening, housing, benefits and much more.Why is it so difficult for hospitals in the US to fill these nursing positions with local candidates? Is the shortage of nurses that bad?Reasons creating the need for additional nurse staff vary widely. Very often, traveler positions are not ones that a hospital intends to fill with a permanent, local candidate, but through temporary staff they are able to more finely tune staffing levels to align with their unique and fluctuating patient care needs.For example, need can be caused due to a temporary influx of senior citizens to an area like Arizona or Florida in the winter months. With their arrival comes additional population with much greater healthcare needs, which puts a temporary higher demand on healthcare workers. If the hospital were to address this need with permanent positions, it could end up overstaffed in the summer months. Other causes can include EMR conversions, or other such things that might temporarily pull perm staff off the floor. The bottom line is that when need surges for any reason, staffing must follow suit – and travel nursing helps hospitals adapt while continuing to provide excellent patient care and protect their perm staff from nurse burnout.The nursing shortage is a very real problem – one that travel nursing helps address! Many factors created the nursing shortage, including an aging Baby Boomer population. Aging Boomers will continue to require more medical care, and to compound things further, a huge number of mature Boomer nurses are at or nearing retirement age, eliminating members of the healthcare workforce. Additionally, as more Americans are insured and seeking care, more RNs are required to satisfy the increase in patient care.How do you find nurses willing to relocate for a role?There are a lot of amazing benefits to travel nursing that definitely make it worthwhile for nurses. First, and probably the top reason for most nurses, is the ability to travel and experience new places while getting paid. The option of travel nursing is pretty unique to the healthcare industry, as not many other professions can travel at will for work. Travelers can â€Å"try on†different cities to better adjudicate potential future re-location, or they may just be in it for the sheer adventure. It also allows them to craft their lifestyle exactly as they want it – an assignment in Colorado can be timed perfectly with ski season, for example, or a job in California or Hawaii can let a nurse escape a cold Midwestern winter.Travel nursing is also amazing for a nurse’s resume and overall professional development. Having travel nursing assignments under his or her belt shows future prospective employers that a nurse is proficient and adaptable. Encountering a variety of hospital systems, challenges, personalities and patient demographics always results in a stronger, better versed nurse.Another attractive factor to travel nurses is being able to go where their skills are most needed. Nurses are an altruistic lot; they do what they do because they truly care for people in need. Through travel nursing, th ey are able to ensure that they’re using their training and skills at facilities where it will make the most positive impact to patient care quality.Where do you see healthcare staffing heading in the future?Healthcare staffing is definitely a growing industry, with sustainable potential for increased future growth. The nursing shortage continues to mount, and some projections predict it will peak around the 2020s. With healthcare reform and progressively greater healthcare needs, healthcare staffing growth may even be poised to outpace current industry projections.What are some things hospitals should consider when hiring and working with nurses from outside their particular city or state?Hospital administrators should first educate themselves on the many benefits travel nurses can bring to their facility. Travel nurses prevent nurse burnout and save facilities money in the long run on turnover and other associated costs. And, most importantly, travelers help sustain excelle nt patient care, which is priceless to patients and their families. In turn, this protects a facility’s good reputation for quality care within the community.Facilities that work to create a welcoming environment for travelers will also get a good reputation as being traveler-friendly. This will help keep both perm and temporary employees engaged and happy on the job – leading to better patient outcomes, while also attracting the best nurse talent.What should hospitals consider when working with a healthcare staffing agency to meet their staffing needs?Hospitals should make sure they work with travel nurse staffing companies that emphasize quality screening and deliver only the best temporary nurses. There are many agencies out there that will sacrifice quality to seal a deal, but at the end of the day it is the hospital’s reputation on the line. The number one thing a hospital should look for in a healthcare staffing agency is a commitment to offering quality p roviders.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
buy custom The Banking Industry in the United States of America essay
buy custom The Banking Industry in the United States of America essay A bank is any institution that acts as a financial link between the clients, who do not have enough capital, and those, who have surplus of capital. Banks are highly important institutions of finance and are highly regulated by most governments. As a client of the Wells Fargo bank, I love the ease, with which one can secure a loan for their university studies. Moreover, I enjoy the ease, with which one can prepare payrolls and benefits for his/her staff for a small business. It is also easy opening an account with this bank. I would not switch to any other bank, because this bank takes care of the needs of the common customers, and is fairly stable in business with a year-to-date net income of $9,707,000. The benefits of insurance companies working together with the banking institutions are many. The insurance companies would be able to cut on the employees wages and salaries as some of their products would be sold directly by the bank. This means they will have less direct sales representatives. The bank staff would also be able to get useful information on the products sold by the insurance company. It will also be a win-win situation for both an insurance company and a bank, as they will share the commissions. A country may introduce deposit insurance to provide protection for its citizens, who deposit money in banking institutions. This may be done in part or full. This is directed at protecting the citizens from losses arising due to the inability of a banking institution to pay to its clients. This is a strategy that is aimed at providing stable financial progress to the institutions and bank depositors. This will definitely cover the losses of a bank on the verge of failing. If a banking system is well-organized, the economic growth of a given nation is bound to be in the forward direction. When the bank evaluates and diversifies the potetial risk of its borrowers, they contribute positively to the economic growth of the nation in question. Among the advantages of deposit insurance is that it minimizes or excludes the danger of its client facing a loss. By providing the protection of the clients capital, which may be his/her life-savings or vital transaction capital, the depositor does not have to be afraid of losing their capital, and can instead concentrate on running their business. Deposit insurance provides the certainty of the process of resolution in the case of a bank being on the verge of failing. This works towards maintenance of stability even when crisis in the entire banking industry threatens. This system should be partially subsidized by the taxpayers in order to reduce the burden, so that the bank is not let off the hook by the government. The taxpayers are more bound to make a profit if there are zero subsidies. This would make sure that both the banks under crisis and the depositors do not get extra profit. Among the laws that have changed the banking industry in the United States of America is the deposit insurance policy that has seen the depositors take loans to invest without the fear of the banking getting into a crisis. The second is the law that protects the consumer. This law gives the consumers the right of information to the terms and conditions when opening a new savings account. The third banking law is the central banking regulation that is put in place for the regulation of transactions. Bank failures are a sign that industry is healthy. This is because when the industry is healthy, there is plenty of competition, so the industry is open for everybody and only the best banks will remain operating. When a bank is facing crisis a merger is the most likely option in order to continue being in operation. For exammple the Berks County Trust Company and the Schuylkill Valley Bank merged to form the Berks County Trust Company and ultimately the Wells Fargo Bank. Mergers are also important in order to continue with the cross-selling of products of two financial institutions. A website should be designed to meet the expectation of the clients. A company can involve the clients in the designing of its website by having a questionnaire that the customers can fulfill. This can be done through the feedback form. The website designed should have the capability of recording the number of visitors per day and be geared towards promoting the products that the bank offers. Internet fraud is becoming a very common act in this era and more and more customers find themselves at the mercy of internet fraudsters. In order to prevent internet fraud one should never expose their personal information online. For example your names, place of residence and work, as well as all the passwords should always be kept private. The customers should never respond to the emails from strangers as well. Customers should deal with the companies that are trusted and enquire as to when the products are to be delivered. Once you detect that you have been a victim of the internet fraud, you should first put a fraud alert on all credit transactions that are done on your behalf. As a customer, one should communicate with all the institutions that are affected directly. Most financial institutions have assets that they have purchased in order to increase their solvency. In some cases the assets that these financial institutions acquire do not have any physical substance. Goodwill is a scenario, in which a banking institution buys another company and pays more than what its net value is. Among other intangible assets are mortgage servicing rights and purchased credit card rights. Buy custom The Banking Industry in the United States of America essay
Monday, November 4, 2019
Start your own small business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Start your own small business - Assignment Example reasons due to which individuals start their own business is that they want to operate independently and want to become the boss instead of being bossed around. These individuals do not prefer taking instructions from others. They believe that they are quite creative and can perform better by starting their own business. A research was conducted by Lange in order to identify the factors due to which individuals choose to be self-employed instead of working for another organization (Lange, 2012). Lange identified that autonomy and independence were the main factors that were motivating these individuals to be self-employed. Another reason due to which individuals choose to start their own business is that the concept of job security is fading away. Brenner reports that fresh graduates have started perceiving that being an entrepreneur provides them with the feeling of job security (Brenner, 1991). This means that the previously held belief that an individual’s job is much secur e when they are employed is fading away and now individuals believe that self-employment results in job security. Brenner, O., Pringle, C., & Greenhaus, J. (1991). Perceived fulfillment of organizational employment versus entrepreneurship: Work values and career intentions of business college graduates. Journal Of Small Business Management, 29(3),
Saturday, November 2, 2019
MGMT338 U2 DB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MGMT338 U2 DB - Assignment Example Police detective and engineering manager are paid on base plus incentive arrangement. Here, they are compensated at 80% of the compensation plus an incentive component which offers them the chance to reward goal oriented performance (Armstrong, 2003). The benchmarking productivity is crucial for maintaining the standards of the group. Registered nurse and landscaper are paid straight salaries. Here, they are paid predetermined amount of cash annually. One of the effects of the compensation is a reduction in utilisation. The nurses and landscapers are no longer compensated for prescribing treatment and offering landscaping services respectively. Conversely, a mechanical engineer is paid on hourly basis. Here, an engineer is paid their time using hourly rates. This computes the compensation by multiplying the number of hours entered on the transaction sheet by the hourly rate. An engineer is paid depending on the number of hours (Khan, & Jain,
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